RRML - Angiomatous hamartoma of the breast: a new entity developing in pediatric patients

ISSN online: 2284-5623

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Nr. 19(2)/2011

Angiomatous hamartoma of the breast: a new entity developing in pediatric patients

Maria Daniela Podeanu, Cristina Marian, Constantin Copotoiu, Klara Brânzaniuc, Simona Stolnicu


We report the case of a young prepuberal 11 year old patient who rapidly developed a breast hamartoma with a prominent angiomatous (vascular) component that was observed on both radiological and pathological examination, raising the possibility of other breast neoplasms. Only one case of vascular hamartoma of the breast in a 5 year old girl has been previously reported in the English literature. We discuss the main differential diagnostic problems and the possible histogenesis of this new entity.

Keywords: breast hamartoma,angiomatous component,immunohistochemistry

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How to cite
Podeanu MD, Marian C, Copotoiu C, Brânzaniuc K, Stolnicu S. Angiomatous hamartoma of the breast: a new entity developing in pediatric patients. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2011;19(2):199-205