RRML - Determination of Apixaban Levels in Human Plasma by a High-Throughput Liquid Chromatographic Tandem Mass Spectrometry Assay

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Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 23(1)/2015 DOI:10.1515/rrlm-2015-0006

Determination of Apixaban Levels in Human Plasma by a High-Throughput Liquid Chromatographic Tandem Mass Spectrometry Assay

Ioan Țilea, Daniela Saveta Popa, Timea Szakács Xantus, Daniela Primejdie, Bianca Grigorescu, Brîndușa Țilea, Andreea Elena Bocicor, Andreea Varga


A high-throughput liquid chromatography method with detection by tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was developed and validated for the quantification of apixaban in human plasma. The separation was performed on a Gemini-NX column under isocratic conditions using a 33:67 (v/v) mixture of acetonitrile and 1 mM ammonium formate in water at 40 ºC with a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. The detection of apixaban was performed in multiple reaction monitoring mode (m/z 417.2 from m/z 460.2) with electrospray positive ionization. A single-step protein precipitation with methanol was used for plasma sample preparation. The method was validated with respect to selectivity, linearity (r > 0.994), intra-day and inter-day precision (CV < 14.4 %) and accuracy (bias < 9.5 %) over the range of 9.70 - 970.00 ng/mL plasma. The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was 9.70 ng/mL and the recovery was between 97.4 - 104.5 %. The method is fast, efficient, requires the processing of a small volume of plasma (50 μL), a short run-time (1 min) for chromatographic analysis, and a simple and rapid preparation of samples. It is very well suited for clinical therapeutic drug monitoring and pharmacokinetic studies.

Keywords: apixaban;LC-MS/MS;therapeutic drug monitoring

Received: 6.12.2014
Accepted: 16.2.2015
Published: 7.3.2015

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How to cite
Țilea I, Popa DS, Szakács Xantus T, Primejdie D, Grigorescu B, Țilea B, et al. Determination of Apixaban Levels in Human Plasma by a High-Throughput Liquid Chromatographic Tandem Mass Spectrometry Assay. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2015;23(1):115-25. DOI:10.1515/rrlm-2015-0006