RRML - Studies on type C hepatitis epidemiology

ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

Rejection rate (2020): 75%

Română English

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Concept, Design & Programming
Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 1(1)/2005

Studies on type C hepatitis epidemiology

Ileana Constantinescu


The aim of this study has been to identify the risk factors and to evaluate the epidemiological aspects assotiated to chronic infections induced by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). A lot of 120 pacients diagnosed with viral hepatitis type C has been epidemiologically and virusologically evaluated. We have studied the serical presence of the HCV-RNA, its genotype, intrafamilial and sexual ways of transmision. The results show that blood transfusions and haemoderivatives have been the main transmission way of the virus, followed by invasive stomatological maneuvers. There is a significant percentage of unknown risk factors (7%). The most frequent genotype of HCV found in Romania is 1b. Preliminary data show that both people who live together with HCV-infected persons and heterosexual partners of pacients with C type hepatitis are exposed to a minimum risk.

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How to cite
Constantinescu I. Studies on type C hepatitis epidemiology. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2005;1(1):63-6