RRML - Updated insights into predictive biomarkers for response to cardiac resynchronization therapy - A literature review

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Nr. 31(4)/2023 DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2023-0025


Updated insights into predictive biomarkers for response to cardiac resynchronization therapy - A literature review

Krisztina Pal, Ionela M. Cotoi, Georgiana G. Vlad, Silvia Lupu

Correspondence should be addressed to: Krisztina Pal


Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) was shown to greatly improve outcomes in specific patients with heart failure, low ejection fraction and wide QRS complex; however post-therapeutic response is heterogeneous and currently difficult to predict. There is an increasing interest in identifying humoral biomarkers which could help stratify prognosis, and better identify responders. The aim of this review was to provide an overview of recent data regarding the predictive value of biomarkers for evaluating response to CRT. A definitive conclusion cannot currently be drawn due to disparate results, varying methodologies, relatively small-scale studies and lack of consensus in defining CRT response. More extensive comparable research is paramount to facilitate progress in this field.

Keywords: biomarkers, cardiac resynchronization therapy, prediction

Received: 6.8.2023
Accepted: 13.9.2023
Published: 20.9.2023

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How to cite
Pal K, Cotoi IM, Vlad GG, Lupu S. Updated insights into predictive biomarkers for response to cardiac resynchronization therapy - A literature review. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2023;31(4):225-40. DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2023-0025