RRML - Colonic carcinoma microenvironment: immunohistochemical frequency and distribution of CD3, CD8, FOXP3 infiltrating T lymphocytes

ISSN online: 2284-5623

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Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 18(4)/2010

Colonic carcinoma microenvironment: immunohistochemical frequency and distribution of CD3, CD8, FOXP3 infiltrating T lymphocytes

Camelia Croitoru, Daniela Jitaru, Simona Eliza Giuscă, Irina‑Draga Căruntu, Eloae Florin Zugun, Carmen Cozmei, Cristina Tărniceriu, Anca Vrânceanu, Eugen Carasevici


Cancer pathogenesis is fundamentally dependent on tumor cell interactions with microenvironmental components. These interactions may either restrain tumor progression or promote it. Inflammatory and immune stromal cell component, particularly lymphocytic reactions, plays decisive roles at different stages of tumor development by generating a microenvironment that could be supportive for growth and invasion and/or development of anti-tumor response. It is well recognized that cytotoxic CD8+ T and regulatory FOXP3+ lymphocytes constitute important effector mechanisms of tumor immune surveillance. However, their potential prognostic influence in colorectal cancer remains controversial. We assessed infiltration of CD3+, CD8+, and FOXP3+ T lymphocytes within tumor tissue, invasive front, advancing tumor margin and normal colonic tissue of 69 colon tumors and correlated their distribution with clinical stage. Our study shows that tumor stage progression associate a stromal traffic of T lymphocytes and positioning depending on development of the malignant process and suggests a complex diversity of cellular interplay in the frame of cancer microenvironment.

Keywords: colon cancer,tumor microenvironment,tumor infiltrating T lymphocytes,T regulatory cells,tumor stage.

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How to cite
Croitoru C, Jitaru D, Giuscă SE, Căruntu I, Zugun EF, Cozmei C, et al. Colonic carcinoma microenvironment: immunohistochemical frequency and distribution of CD3, CD8, FOXP3 infiltrating T lymphocytes. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2010;18(4):7-16