The discrimination between thalassemic and non-thalassemic causes for microcytosis has important clinical significance. The incidence of β thalassemia trait in countries surrounding the Mediterranean and in Romania is high. In the absence of definitive DNA and quantification of HbA2 and HbF concentrations, the use of discrimination calculations based on complete blood count data has been proposed to identify patients with β thalassemia trait. Using ROC curves, the sensitivity and specificity of several widely used discrimination calculations are calculated. For patients who are iron replete the MCV, RDWI and Shine and Lal provide the best discrimination between normal and patients and those with β thalassemia.
Higgins T, Brierley Y, Khajuria A. Use of mathematical indices based on CBC data to identify patients with β thalassemia minor. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2007;8(3):7-12