RRML - Ki-67 expression in Hodgkin’s lymphoma progression

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Nr. 4(3)/2006

Ki-67 expression in Hodgkin’s lymphoma progression

Corina Flangea, S. Gîju, Elena Potencz, Rodica Mihăescu, A. Anghel, Marilena Motoc, C. Dogaru


Hodgkin lymphoma study by immnunohistochemical expression of Ki-67 in Hodgkin and Sternberg-Reed cells can precise these cases evolutive way. The aim of the study is identifying the worse evolution patients’ category before the therapy starting 63 hospitalized in Hematology Department of City Hospital Timişoara cases of Classical Hodgkin’s dis­ease were studied from January 2000 – June 2004. Histopathological diagnostic was performed using Hematoxi­line – Eosin staining and for revealing the tumoral developments Ki-67 (clone MIB1) immunohistochemical staining were performed. In our study, the results were noticed a direct relation between the rise of tumoral proliferation index expressions of Ki-67 and progression of the disease (p<0.001). However, for the I and II stages of the disease Ki-67 expression doesn’t overcome 49% while for the III and IV stages the most of the cases show Ki-67 expression values of over 50%. No connection we can be noticed between the histological type and Ki-67 expression (p<1). This staining is very important, although less used in Romania, because these patients have bad progno­sis due to inadequate staging independent by clinical hematologist experience. Without this expression rises the erroneous possibility of missing an aggressive lymphoma. In our study, the increasing Ki-67 expression occurs in the same time with disease progression. We couldn’t establish a correlation between histological type and Ki-67 index. If it meets with a high Ki-67 index in incipient stages, we recommend reinvestigation and restaging case because some lymph nodes could be over­looked.

Keywords: Hodgkin’s lymphoma,Ki-67,advanced stage

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How to cite
Flangea C, Gîju S, Potencz E, Mihăescu R, Anghel A, Motoc M, et al. Ki-67 expression in Hodgkin’s lymphoma progression. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2006;4(3):7-12