Differences in host susceptibility to infectious diseases are well documented. While the mechanisms underlying these differences are far from elucidated, recent progress in the genomics of pathogen-host interactions has increased our understanding of the phenomenon. An increasing number of studies demonstrate that the major histocompatibility complex molecules modulate the overall susceptibility to HIV infection, the risk of vertical transmission from mother to child, the risk of horizontal transmission in HIV discordant couples, the rate of progression to an AIDS-defining illness, and the risk of severe reactions to antiretroviral treatment. These data can influence new diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic strategies.
Florea D, Paraschiv S, Fratila M, Otelea D. Human Leucocytes Antigens Alleles and the Evolution of the Infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2010;18(2):7-17