Peripheral and uterine cytotoxicity in normal and pathologic first trimester pregnancies
Daniela Constantinescu, Carmen Cozmei, Andreea Chiriac, Elena Mihălceanu, Irina Dumitraşcu, Eugen Carasevici
Abstract: The maternal immune system is involved in pregnancy success or failure. Increased cytotoxic activity of NK cells was associated with first trimester abortion, which is the most frequent complication of pregnancy. The aim of our study was to compare peripheral and uterine cytotoxicity in normal and pathological first-trimester pregnacy, in order to evaluate the utility of this test in monitoring high-risk pregnancies. Material and methods: mononuclear cells were separated from peripheral blood and from tissue fragments obtained by uterine curretage from 10 pregnant women with requested abortion and 10 women with spontaneous abortion. Natural-killer (NK) cells percentage was detected by flow-cytometry. Separation by triple gradient Percoll density centrifugation allowed simultaneous isolation of trophoblast cells from uterine tissue fragments. We used a flowcytometric method of cytotoxicity evaluation which used carboxy-fluorescein-succinimidyl ester (CFSE)-labelled K562 and autologous trophoblastic cells as targets. Results: cytotoxic activity of uterine cells was higher than that of peripheral blood cells. Cytotoxicity was reduced in pathological compared to normal pregnancy. Peripheral blood and uterine cytotoxicity indexes were significantly different and were correlated only in normal pregnancies. The percentage of NK cells did nor correlate with their cytotoxic activity. Conclusions: increased cytotoxic activity cannot be incriminated in inducing abortion. The difference between the cytotoxic activity of uterine and peripheral blood cells proves the compartmentalisation of uterine events.
Keywords: cytotoxicity,K562,trophoblast,CFSE,NK
Constantinescu D, Cozmei C, Chiriac A, Mihălceanu E, Dumitraşcu I, Carasevici E. Peripheral and uterine cytotoxicity in normal and pathologic first trimester pregnancies. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2008;11(2):7-13